
5 Essential Items for Camping


After a successful season last year, my RV buds and I had a few conversations on what to do to be prepared for a trip! Ever think of setting up a prep list for the first weekend or week out? We’ve got you!

Worst case scenario is getting out to the perfect spot, after driving all morning, and realizing that you left one, two, or three things that you absolutely need back home. We have come up with a checklist to save ourselves and suggest that you do the same. But if you haven’t, and are looking for a start to that list, we are here to help you. With a short list of things, you NEED, to be ready for that much anticipated first weekend in your Trailer. 

What’s the worst that could happen?

There is a store down the road, and I have my Polaris Side by Side. How bad could it be if I forgot one thing? Well, you are probably right, but that defeats the purpose of going to the campground, or your favorite spot. You want to go there and set up shop. You don’t want to be leaving for needed items to make your stay more comfortable. Plus, you already have that item, or two. Clutter is part of the reason you head out and take on a minimalist life in the trees, right? So, don’t have three hoses of a certain type. Read these tips and have one!

Wheel Chocks

Although a trailer rolling away is a rather uncommon sight, it can happen! Wheel chocks are the basic of the basic items to bring but forgetting them could mean disaster! If you have never been to a campsite or the location you are headed to, you never know what you must deal with when parking your trailer. Sometimes you get there, and all is well, and the site is level, no problems. What if you arrive and that is just not the case and you have no chocks…? This could really ruin your set up and therefore your first day. There are all kinds of chocks out there for you, a must have on the trip. 

First Aid Kit

This includes the basic First Aid Kit. Band-Aids, antibiotic cream, burn spray, wraps, splints, and gauss. Anything can happen when you are out in the bush, especially if you have children with you, so be prepared! Also, within this point, we will say to bring any medications, either prescription or just normal ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Headaches or any pain can be random and annoying, having these can make your stay more comfortable. Once you are out there, you really want to enjoy your time. Keeping safe with a stacked First Aid Kit is a great way to have some peace of mind on your travels. 


No matter what season you are headed out in, Spring, Summer, Fall, you want to be ready for anything. Rain gear is a quite often overlooked item. Sure, you can read the forecast and assume they are right, but we all know that is not the case! In both the Spring and Fall season, your evening can get chilly. Warm gear must be kept in mind, you may have a fire, but you must retreat from it and wake up to the morning frost at some point! The summer may allow you to bring a swimsuit! It would be ashamed to forget this on a perfect day. Not all sites allow you to skinny dip!


You have obviously thought of this one. It may be the best part of the trip. Enjoying the company of others as you cook around the grill or fire. Having an engaging and fun conversation. But have you managed your portions properly before leaving? You are staying for the weekend? Long weekend? The week? Do you have enough food, that will keep, with you? Going into detail on this one is kind of hard as it depends on the size of your party as well. Overpacking is the end of the world here but just be sure that everything has a place and will not ruin before you get to it. Using certain items first will help this. Any fresh meats for example. Also, snacks, snacks, snacks! S’mores, candies, nuts, storm chips. Camping and snacks, what else do you really need?


Games. There is a list of games and we plan to do a blog on our best ones to bring with you soon! You can always use your imagination out there. Going for a hike, canoe, bike ride, or jumping on the ATV. Sometimes it’s nice to just kick it by the trailer and play some washer toss or cards. Relax, you work too hard not to! If you have a trailer with a television, don’t forget your favorite movies or the new ones you plan to watch. If the kids are around, you best bring their most watched, it will make them a little more comfortable in a peaceful land. Or, as most of us do, you can just sit by the fire and enjoy the company of loved ones. These moments become the best memories and greatest entertainment. 

Better safe than sorry

Honestly, these all may seem rather basic tips, but they can all cause a little more confusion out there than needed. Enjoying your time is most important and will make you love trailer seasons that much more! Being able to get out there and get set up with no worries of forgotten items just brings a little ease to your mind. It can make everybody happy and content. We suggest you make your own list for preparation and don’t be afraid to change it. As you get out more you will realize the things you like to have! So, stick to it and it will just get better and better! We hope this helps and little and makes your trip more enjoyable this season! Have fun out there!

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